Support Our Work
Your support enables us to improve thousands of lives—in your backyard and in communities around the United States.
The Internal Revenue Service recognizes Migration Resource Center as a Section 501(c)(3) public charity. Gifts to Migration Resource Center are tax-deductible in the U.S.A. Our Federal Tax ID # is 47-5278715. No goods or services were forwarded or offered in exchange for this contribution.
Migration Resource Center relies heavily on funds from our compassionate partners and donors to ensure the availability of all the essential services to the community. Your kind donations help struggling, low-income families achieve their goals of living and finding work to support their loved ones. It is so heartening when a donor like you makes it possible for Migration Resource Center to say “Yes” to one more child, family, or deserving adult who needs help.
Your donation assists Migration Resource Center to provide the following services to those in need:
- Referring for medical evaluations and counseling for victims of crime such as domestic abuse or human trafficking
- Reuniting families who have been separated
- Representing immigrants to obtain work legally and provide for their families
- Guidance, advice and representation for clients overwhelmed by the unfamiliar and intricate legal process
- Provide tutoring in math and English for disadvantaged immigrant children

You will be delighted to know that you are making a difference in the lives of these under-served immigrants. With your help, immigrants and their families can build a better future here in the United States of America.
If you would like to share our vision for a rich, diverse and prosperous society, then please join our cause and donate a tax-deductible gift to Migration Resource Center.