By Angela Ju
The internship program at Migration Resource Center (MRC) in Staten Island, NY provides current students or recent graduates with hands-on experience in immigration law. Students or recent graduates may perform a variety of tasks in legal assistant work, translation, data entry and analysis, research, outreach/marketing, fundraising, web design, graphic design, helping to produce a television show, etc. depending on their interests and qualifications.
Internships are competitive and require a commitment of a minimum of 20 weekly hours between 8 am – 5 pm Monday to Friday for at least one semester, including the summer. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The internship is unpaid. Students entering the internship program for credit are prioritized, and MRC will work with the student to ensure that he or she will receive academic credit.
Skills that are particularly valued at MRC include fluency in Spanish or other foreign language, web design, experience with marketing/outreach and fundraising, and interest in data entry and analysis.
Please visit for more information. To apply please send your resume and cover letter indicating why you are interested in volunteering at MRC, your availability, and whether you seek to receive academic credit for this internship to [email protected]. Migration Resource Center is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing low cost legal services and representation to immigrants to allow them to regularize their status in the United States.