This past year has been a challenge for many, but it has also highlighted the spirit of caring and support we have for one another. This Thanksgiving season, we invite everyone to pause, reflect, and give thanks to those who have supported you. We at the Migration Resource Center would like to show our appreciation for YOU – our clients, neighbors, community partners, employees, friends, colleagues, donors, and families. We greatly value and appreciate the trust you have in us – THANK YOU!
While our office will be closed Nov 26/27 for the holiday, we continue to provide quality services either in-person (respecting all local, state and federal guidelines) OR virtually via video conferencing, phone, and email. Free immigration consultations and tax services consultations request webforms are always available. Or call us at (646) 609-8805 to schedule yours TODAY!

The Migration Resource Center mission: We stabilize families and create strong neighborhoods by resolving immigration and tax issues with affordable legal services and free educational workshops.